Dallin Orr is in love with the light and land of Utah. He calls Salt Lake City, his home town, one of the most beautiful places on Earth. His paintings of dramatic light and clouds were inspired by the pandemic. Like many during the pandemic, Orr found himself spending a lot of time outdoors with his own thoughts. Then, in 2022, the Wasatch Front experienced a particularly rainy season. “The monumental cloud formations and sunlight on mountainsides were so vibrant and breathtaking it was almost silly,” he says. “Every day featured new momentous vistas. I couldn’t tell if the climate was going through some particular transformation or if it was just me changing. But, after being graced by this beauty during a time of uncertainty, I feel a burning urge to translate those sights and feelings into painting.”
He studied fine art at Utah Valley University (BFA) and illustration at the University of Hartford (MFA). He has almost a decade of experience with stained glass design & painting at Holdman Studios, in Lehi, Utah and also works as a freelance illustrator.
Artists of Utah’s 35×35, Finch Lane Gallery, Salt Lake City, through Feb. 23
UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: 35x35