
Culture Bytes or Bites?

On Tuesday, June 21, The Utah Cultural Alliance held its second “Culture Bytes,” a continuing monthly series discussing issues relating to the arts.

Salt Lake critics Celia Baker, Brandon Griggs, Frank McEntire, Kathy Adams, and Claudia Harris discussed art/culture reviewers — how they think, what their readers want and what they can and can’t do. Everyone attending was invited to enjoy a pizza lunch during the discussion (discount for Utah Cultural Alliance members). The event was hosted by the Salt Lake Arts Council’s Art Barn.

The July Culture Bytes will discuss censorship, and, we imagine, will include food as well.

We’re not sure exactly why it is called Culture Bytes? Afterall, the pizza they eat has more to do with bites than with cyberspace’s bytes. Maybe the UCA, whom we should all thank for their efforts to block budget cuts to the NEA and PBS, feared an ambiguous slang interpretation by anti-art activists — Culture Bites!!! Down with Museums!!! Maybe they just wanted to ride on our immensely popular, witty, innovative, and all around awesome coattails 🙂

Whatever. We’re happy to have them with us, whether on our coattails or leading the way. The Utah Cultural Alliance does extremely important work for the community, informing and advocating for us all. And we’ve used their newsletter more than once for our News Nibbles section. We’re excited about their new forum (reminds us of the Salt Lake County’s ART TOO! ART NOT! ) and hope to include expanded coverage of some of the issues discussed in future editions of 15 Bytes.

This article originally appeared in the July 2005 edition of 15 Bytes

Categories: News

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