The youngest poet featured in this year’s installment of Poets in Pajamas, Chelsea Guevara discovered poetry in high school, but she had to wait until college before she heard the work of anyone not white or male. She discovered Rita Dove in her first semester at the University of Utah, and has come back to her in her senior year as part of a Caribbean studies class. Here, Guevara tells us about herself and reads her own work, “Somewhere Over the Border,” as well as Dove’s “Parsley.”
Chelsea Guevara reads “Somewhere Over the Border”
Chelsea Guevara discusses Rita Dove’s “Parsley”
Chelsea Guevara reads Rita Dove’s “Parsley”
Running annually during the month of April, Poets in Pajamas invites Utah poets to read from their own work and the work of a poet they admire.
Categories: Literary Arts | Poets in Pajamas