

An Interview with Kim Schoenstadt

Last month the Salt Lake Art Center (now the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art) opened an exhibition of works by California artist Kim Schoenstadt, recipient of the first Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting. The $15,000 biennial prize was instituted by the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation […]

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Travis Nikolai

In the basement below Broadway’s Frosty Darling, in a small gallery that opened quietly a few months ago, Travis Nikolai has installed a new exhibit of multi-media paintings entitled Hot Young Suicides: Audition for the 27 Club. Those who visited Artists of Utah’s 35 x 35 exhibit last […]

Videos | Visual Arts

Aaron Bushnell

Aaron Bushnell is a Bountiful artist with a growing reputation due to his expressive handling of paint. While his pastoral landscapes are an easier sell, Bushnell is drawn to more urban settings: freeway passes, refineries, stoplights. In the above interview Bushnell discusses why he searches out these places, […]

Artist Profiles | Videos

Erica Houston

An Addiction to Colored Pencils A video interview with Erica Houston Portrait painting is a notoriously difficult task, and not just because the ability to achieve a reasonable likeness with line and color is a craft that requires hours of dedication. Dealing with the emtoins and self-image of […]

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