Daily Bytes

Daily posts on happenings in Utah’s visual arts community.


City Weekly’s Artys

The Salt Lake City Weekly’s Artys awards were announced in this week’s edition of the magazine. In case some of you don’t have access to the publication, here are the awards in the visual arts: READER’S CHOICE: Trent Call–Best Painter Shawn Porter–Best Mixed Media Cat Palmer — Best […]

Local Art News

Chalk Art This Weekend

The Utah Foster Care Foundations’s 6th annual Chalk Art Festival is this weekend, June 13th and 14th in downtown Salt Lake City. During the festival, thousands of families gather at the Gateway to watch dozens of artists create, beautiful, temporary works of art. To get you — and the participating […]

Book Reviews

Behaviourables and Futuribles

Behaviourables and Futuribles A review of Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology, and Consciousness In 1970, Roy Ascott wrote, “If writing about art has any value at all at a time when art works and processes are themselves polemical, it can only be to discuss alternative futures.” […]

Public Issues

Orphaned Works Revisited

Back on May 12, we made a post about the Orphaned Works Bill. Here’s an interesting YouTube post (it’s really an audio file rather than a video) about the subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqBZd0cP5Yc If you want to communicate with your elected officials about this bill go to: http://capwiz.com/illustratorspartnership/home/  15 BytesUTAH’S […]


Laurie Lisonbee’s work recognized

Laurie Lisonbee of Salem won Best of Show in the Hilton Head Art League  2008 National Juried Exhibition, Walter Greer Gallery, Hilton Head, South Carolina.  The painting “Pigeon Pose With Spoon,” was selected for  the $2500 award from among 798 artworks entered nationally.  Her painting “Crazy Eight” recently […]

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