It’s that time of year, when the weather can shift from brisk autumn to languid summer, all within a 24 hour period. Either way, it’s a perfect time to get out and about. A chance to wear that snazzy new jacket at night, or strip down to shirtsleeves […]
Two exciting opportunities this week, in two entirely different directions, for artists and art lovers to enjoy the great outdoors. To the north, at the University of Utah’s The Environmental Humanities Education Center (EHEC) in southeast Montona, the first annual Centennial Valley Arts Celebration we reported on in […]
It’s definitely fall because things are in full swing in Utah’s art world and there is plenty you’ll want to check out for tonight’s Salt Lake Gallery Stroll. We won’t be able to mention all the fabulous shows worth seeing (but we’ve already talked about one in yesterday’s […]
Neighborhood House’s Urban Gallery turns inside out this year. The Urban Gallery, a open air exhibition that uses the non-profit’s suite of garage doors as a canvas for public art, was first installed four years ago when the 337 Project was asked to invite individual artists to […]
To the list of City Weekly’s 2012 Artys awards (see here), we thought of adding an additional category: best use of captive audiences. The winner would go to Artes de Mexico, whose Viva Frida exhibit in the atrium of Salt Lake’s Main Library last year caught the eye […]
Performing arts at the Rose, steamrolling prints at Saltgrass, Art Live in Park City and plein air painting and studios at Spring City.
In some September editions past we’ve included a seasonal performing arts preview – half a dozen paragraphs describing various dance, music and theatre groups and what you might expect to see from them in the coming months. Some bright person out there has come up with something better: […]
Considering its population, China has a disproportionately small amount of international art stars (though we likely all have a sense that will change if the cogs of China’s economic engine continues to churn unimpeded). Maybe that’s because though the increasingly wealthy Chinese can pull off oligarchical money grabs and […]
Eight years ago local sculptor and glass artist Dan Cummings wanted to find a venue to show off Utah’s 3-D talents. He found a partner in West Vally City’s Utah Cultural Celebration Center and the Face of Utah Sculpture exhibit was born. Tonight is the opening iteration of […]
You gotta love summer evenings outside: warm temps, fresh air, listening to music while lying on a blanket with a drink in hand instead of trapped in an uncomfortable seat. And for some reason you can talk to the person next to you without suffering a disapproving glare […]
by Geoff Wichert I’m suspicious of anything calling itself an art festival. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s Pasadena’s world-renowned Pageant of the Masters, with dressed-up volunteers posed in three-dimensional tableaus based on famous paintings, or the local fair, anywhere, at which children get their faces painted while […]
The big event this weekend is the Utah Arts Festival, which opened yesterday with a New Orleans style funeral march (both the down beat and the up beat halves), the beginning of a sculpture made out of 20 tons of sand, and the sounds of James McMurtry. Today […]
We didn’t make it there ourselves but the word on the streets is that on Friday night the UMOCA was hopping. There might be a 15 Bytes bump (see our article on curator Aaron Moulton); but the crowds could have also had something to do with all that […]
The Leonardo’s current exhibition Fantastic Fabrications takes you through a faux history of the early 20th Century, using artifacts, images, and tools from an imagined past. It features Boilerplate and Frank Reade, the creations of husband-wife team Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett. The two artists are currently at […]
Being an informed local citizen means knowing your city: knowing its neighborhoods, its architecture, its natural and its human-made wonders. It makes living in the city a richer experience, and inspires one to become engaged in the public process of creating a city. That’s why this month we […]
Though graffiti artists are almost always outdoors when they work, we usually don’t think of paint cans when we think plein air. Which may explain why when we mentioned a list of plein air events in last week’s blog post we failed to mention the Urban Arts Festival, […]
A look at the upcoming plein air competitions with over $20,000 in prizes, including the Ogden Arts Festival competition, which begins this weekend.