Exhibition Reviews

Utah Exhibition Reviews published in 15 Bytes, Utah’s art magazine, including reviews of local Utah artists, regional artists, group exhibitions and traveling exhibits of national and international artists.

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Kaleidoscope Garden Blends Emerging and Established Talent for a Fusion of Art and Environment

Art Access has gone through many changes since its salad days as a must-visit gallery early in the new millennium. Over the intervening years, many of Utah’s best-known artists took turns helping artists of proven merit, but who were prevented by various circumstances from achieving their potential, to […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

At the Kimball, Lee Mingwei Offers Utah Residents the Gift of Connection

With their latest installation, Park City’s Kimball Art Center adds itself to a prestigious international list of exhibition hosts for internationally renowned artist Lee Mingwei. The Taiwanese-American artist’s work focuses on (among other things) intimacy and connection. He explores the ubiquitous nature of these raw human moments and […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Faith in Frame: Springville Show is Utah’s Artistic Exploration of Religion and Spirituality

Given the fundamental motivating role of religion in cultural and artistic expression all over the world, it’s not surprising that the first art work to employ the renaissance discovery of accurate visual perspective was such a work — Masaccio’s “Holy Trinity,” which depicts the three-persons-in-one-God enumerated by Christian […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

Rosanna Lynne Welter Reveals a New Perspective on Fabric and Form

It’s clear why Welter distinguishes these works by calling them “fiber art.” Many quilts, especially those likely to be seen in the gallery today, may be no less art, but are more public in their intentions and expression. Rosanna Lynne Welter’s textiles distinguish themselves by sharing more personal, private, even intimate thoughts and feelings. What they don’t do is look like what’s expected, and in that many be found the most important clue of all.

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