15 Bytes

15 Bytes Extras

Infinite Beauty

Infinite Beauty – an art exhibit inspired by mathematics is currently showing at Utah Valley University Library Fifth Floor Gallery and will continue through the month of March. The eclectic collection includes works from university students, as well as local and national professional artists presenting classical and modern […]

15 Bytes Extras

More Waves

Our November edition of 15 Bytes featured a short video clip of Amy Caron and crew installing her Waves of Mu project. The video was from an Alaska installation but was run in conjunction with the unveiling of Waves of Mu in New York. The New York Times called […]

15 Bytes Extras


Young Benefactors, the featured arts organization in this month’s edition of 15 Bytes, isn’t the only collectors-oriented group at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts. The UMFA is also happy to let lovers of Utah & Western art buy art for their collection. Friends of Utah & Western Art […]

15 Bytes Extras

More Moser

As you may have seen on page 5 of our November edition, our article on Henri Moser was so packed with images we didn’t have room for them all. So here are a few extra images from Utah’s wild beast, courtesy of the Utah Arts Council. These are all part […]

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