15 Bytes Extras | News

Beyond Smog Lake City

Smog Lake City, photograph of Tribune Article

In our February edition of 15 Bytes we featured Alex Haworth’s “Smog Lake City,” an evocative visual exploration of Salt Lake’s Main Street under a blanket of inversion.

The Salt Lake Tribune picked up on the story and in the paper’s “The Mix” section Ben Fulton wrote “Smog in Your Eye,” an article about Haworth’s film and “The Smog Show,” an exhibition of works by five Utah artists now up at the Bayleaf Cafe.

In preparing the video for publication in this month’s edition we asked Alex to send us some info on current and upcoming projects. Since we discovered only after publication that his reply ended up in our junk mail, here it is, better late than never. . .

The young filmaker is currently editing a feature documentary on cowboy poetry. His partner at The Dada Factory, Davey Davis, is finishing up editing his first narrative short, a contemporary rendition of the Don Giovanni opera featuring local bike hipster and punk anarchist scenes. The pair’s film, Halcyon, won best film last year in Salt Lake’s 48 Hour Film Project. They’ll be taking the film to Filmapalooza at NAB in Las Vegas this April. You can learn more and keep up to date with the filmmaker at his blog.

Categories: 15 Bytes Extras | News

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