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Dale Thompson

Dale Thompson has a B.A. in Liberal Arts from The Evergreen State College and an Masters degree in communications from Westminster College. Her writing career includes work for a local theatre, journalism in Park City, and freelance contributions for various nonprofit organizations.


The Persian Quarter

The relationship between America and Iran is often understood through headlines and sound bites that report events but do very little to explore the issues beyond the context of politics. In her latest work, which is also a world premiere, local Utah playwright Kathleen Cahill puts the tension […]

Exhibition Reviews | Visual Arts

A Harmonious Transformation: Kristin Calabrese and Joshua Aster’s Honeymoon

Someone immediately disagreed with my opinion of the Salt Lake Art Center’s latest exhibit Honeymoon. A group of us were enjoying a post gallery stroll meal and comparing notes on what we’d viewed during the evening and I said that Honeymoon, Micol Hebron’s first show as Senior Curator, is a satisfyingly successful […]

Artist Profiles | Visual Arts

Van Chu

Van Chu at The Gallery at Library Square. Photo by Zoe Rodriguez. It would be a disservice to Van Chu to spend the majority of this article discussing the unfortunate pairing of his work with photographs by Carl Oelerich, so the criticism will be brief. Chu’s latest exhibit, Photographic […]

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