This month, Laura and Matt Chiodo, curators at Salt Lake’s Alpine Art, hit the streets of Salt Lake, cameras in hand, to capture the lively street art scene around the capitol city.
Discovering the art all around you is the impetus behind our new project, ART LAKE CITY, an extension of our In Plain Site series. This month we’ll be busy uploading the images from this series to a new website where you’ll be able to search neighborhoods in Salt Lake City and discover great art — street art, official public art projects, yard art and more — around every corner.
Check out the photos and learn more about Art Lake City in the December 2011 edition of 15 Bytes.
Shalee Cooper is a freelance photographer and Curator. She has been the Image Editor of 15 Bytes Magazine and an Associate Instructor at the University of Utah.
Categories: In Plain Site | Visual Arts