- Werewolf offers sincere apology for the way he has been acting lately and outlines several compelling reasons why the pack should give him a second chance” 20 x 20″ mixed layers of drawing and painting cutouts
- Not Making Mother Proud” 8 x 10″ mixed layers of drawing and painting cutouts with string
- Howl with Laughter/Howl with Pain” 8 x 10″ mixed layers of drawing and painting cutouts
- Holly,Kevin, 24”x92”, Pigment Print
- Closet, 13″x19″, Digital Photography
- Hallway, 13″x19″, Digital photography
- Anna, 30×40″, oil on canvas
- Untitled 2 from the Series ‘Sons of Juárez’, 15x17in, Archival Inkjet Print, Google Earth
- Untitled 6 from the Series ‘Sons of Juárez’, 15x17in, Archival Inkjet Print, Google Earth
- Untitled 9 from the Series ‘Sons of Juárez’, 15x17in, Archival Inkjet Print, Google Earth
- “Checkers”, 12″x12″, mixed media
- “Cowboy Bathroom”, 12″x12″, mixed media
- “Go Fish”, 12″x12″, mixed media
- “Avalanche” 36″ x 36″, Digital Photography/Archival Pigment Print.
- Two Bottles, 14”x9”x9” each, Soda-Fired Porcelain
- “In the distance from here to my heart.” Approx. 16 x 16 inches. Video, found antique collar, muslin, and hand-crochet cotton. Documentation can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo7ykCPQvnc
- Gas Mask, 12″ x 12″ x 8″, bronze and fabric.
- Guillotine, 7′ x 3′ x 4′, fabric, faux fur, batting.
- “Dispute” 32” and 16”, found wood, nails, metal rods
- Covering, 36 x 42, Graphite
- Small Changes, 36 x 42, Graphite
- Grove of six women, 12×12″, acrylic, oil, panel board
- They all listened at the same time, 12×12″, acrylic, oil, panel board
- “untitled #8”, 20×30, photograph
- “linear, 2”, 20×30, photograph
- “Scarred,” 19″ x 6″ x 14″
- “Tea with Rattus A01,” 11″ x 7″ x 8.5″
- “False-Advertising,” 10″ x 8″, aquatint and softground
- “Female-bodied,” 10″ x 4″, aquatint
- Undress: September 2012 (detail); approximately 1.0’ x 5.5’ x 2.0’; cut and folded September 2012 Vogue Magazine, dress form
- “Sensitive,” (installation), 48”x32”, cyanotype photograms on glass with motion sensor activated LED lights
- “Expectations”, 8″x10″, Intaglio Photpolymer Print
- “Continuum III” 36×36″ oil, mixed media on panel
- “BeneathME: Heart to Heart”, 25″X35″, Mounted Ink Jet Print
- “BeneathME: Confessions”, 25″X35″, Mounted Ink Jet Print
- Integration Attempt No. 1, 80″ x 6″, Beard hair with beehive honey frames and light boxes
- Beards of Our Fathers, 5.5″ x 10.5″, Beard hair and glass display jar
- Rejected, 10″ X 2″ X 1″, Carved Maple
- Worthless, 2″ X 1″ X 12″, Carved Maple
- Heliography 12-0612-006, 24″ x 14″, C-print
- “Stuck,” 24” x 24”, Oil on board
- The Sublime is Light and Easy-to-Assemble, installation shot, Lace, tent poles, cam-straps, eyebolts, thread, key chains
- “Cleaning Up After Breakfast,” 22″ x 30″, marker on cotton paper
- “Dancing To Music In The Front Room,” 22″ x 30″, marker on cotton paper
- Warehouse on 5th West 35″ x 35″ Acrylic
- “O Jerusalem”, 9x12in, ink
- Strawberry Delicatessen Delicacy, 18×18, Oil on Panel
- Chocolate Delicatessen Delicacy, 18X18, Oil on Panel
- What a Fucking Nuisance, 30″ x 44″, graphite, gesso, watercolor
- Overlook, 36 x 48 inch, Etching
- Warming I, 25 x 32 inch, Etching
- To Each Their Own” 72″x48″ oil on canvas
- “Mandorla 02”, 3’x4′, Watercolor, vellum
- “Template (Churches)”, 30″x43″, graphite on paper

UTAH’S ART MAGAZINE SINCE 2001, 15 Bytes is published by Artists of Utah, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Categories: 35x35